Documental Los Mejores jonrones de la pelota cubana (2006)

Documentary about the best homers of Cuban Baseball. (2006) Here you will find Pedro Medina, Lourdes Gourriel, Agustin Marquetti, Lazaro Junco, Gabriel Pierre, Luis Giraldo casanova, Antonio Scull, Frank Tamayo, Yorquis La Rosa, Juan Rondon, Antonio Pacheco, Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Lazo, Juan Padilla, Miguel Caldes, Omar Linares, Rolando Meriño, Romelio Martinez, Orestes Kindelan, Pedro Jose Rodriguez and others. Directed by Daily Sanchez, Yanelis Colon, Rudens Tembras, Frank Marin, Harold Iglesias and Miguel E. Gomez.


Este artículo es de hace 9 años

Documentary about the best homers of Cuban Baseball. (2006) Here you will find Pedro Medina, Lourdes Gourriel, Agustin Marquetti, Lazaro Junco, Gabriel Pierre, Luis Giraldo casanova, Antonio Scull, Frank Tamayo, Yorquis La Rosa, Juan Rondon, Antonio Pacheco, Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Lazo, Juan Padilla, Miguel Caldes, Omar Linares, Rolando Meriño, Romelio Martinez, Orestes Kindelan, Pedro Jose Rodriguez and others. Directed by Daily Sanchez, Yanelis Colon, Rudens Tembras, Frank Marin, Harold Iglesias and Miguel E. Gomez.

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